Improving the UME-GME Transition: Our Approach in Developing New MSPE Standards 

Presented By: Johanna Clewing, Texas A&M University School of Medicine
Co-Authors: Marietta Clewing, Texas A&M University School of Medicine

Even though the AAMC implemented standards for the Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPE) in 2016, there are still significant differences among schools, making the selection process for program directors challenging, and ultimately impacting the UME to GME transition. We are presenting our process and outcome in standardizing our own clerkship performance evaluations across clerkships and multiple campuses aiming for more consistency.   

In a collaborative process, Academic Affairs and Executive Clerkship Directors worked on this project. Clerkship directors discussed and rated what to share in the MSPE and in which format. The group reviewed a multitude of MSPE's from schools throughout the US for different specialties. In multiple working and revising sessions the clerkship directors developed different MOCK clerkship performance evaluations until the group was confident with the final draft product. During the entire process, the group presented their work to different stakeholders, including Student Affairs and Curriculum Committee for feedback.  

There was strong consensus among clerkship directors to be more transparent about NBME results and to aim for consistency in narrative-writing. The final MOCK clerkship performance evaluation clearly distinguishes the objective assessment data using non-numerical grades for the total course and course components, providing brief context related to clinical setting, timing and test requirements from the narrative itself, a well-structured summary for each core competency, incorporating quotes from teams the student worked with. We conclude with a comment from the clerkship director projecting the student's performance moving forward. 

Clerkship directors are confident that the new MSPE format helps streamlining narrative-writing across the board, especially when faculty turn-over can be a challenge, as more clarity is provided. We are confident that the new MSPE format will be well-received by Residency Programs.

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
Marquette IX